Conference Background

The concept of One Health recognizes that the health of humans, animals, and the environment is interconnected. Emerging infectious diseases, antimicrobial resistance, and climate change are just a few of the complex challenges that illustrate the need for a holistic approach to health. To alleviate this, collaboration across disciplines and sectors at various (local, national, and global) levels is needed. The integration of veterinary, medical, environmental, and social sciences allows for a comprehensive understanding of how health threats emerge and spread, and how they can be prevented or mitigated.


Objective of the OHW Conference

The main objective of the OHW conference is to foster interdisciplinary collaboration, knowledge and experience sharing to address complex health challenges at the intersection of human, animal, and environmental health with focus on One Health and Water.
Specific Objectives within this framework, the conference are:

  • To showcase cutting-edge research and innovative practices that contribute to One Health and Water
  • To advocate for policies that support interdisciplinary approaches to health
  • To promote collaboration among professionals from diverse fields working on one health, such as public health, veterinary medicine and environmental sciences and social sciences


The conference will have the following subthemes
  • One health policy and governance
  • AMR in one health
  • Human health and one health
  • Animal health and one health
  • Water and one health
  • Food and One health
  • Urban Ecosystems and One Health
  • Climate Change and One Health
  • Advancing One Health through Circular Economy
  • One Health and Digital Transformation
  • Sustainable Energy for One Health


    Target Audience

    Researchers, academicians, practitioners, policymakers, students, NGOs and utilities will attend the conference. Over 200 participants from all over the world are expected to attend the conference, where scientists, engineers, water experts, policymakers, civil society, and government officials will interact with each other. The Conference will help set directions that the science community should take in order to address one health-related challenge and develop innovative solutions for the urban environment.

    Conference Format

    The format of the conference will be keynote speech, (panel discussions), oral and poster sessions.

    Expected Outcomes and Impact

    By bringing together the stakeholders of one health such as researchers, academicians, practitioners, line ministries and NGOs working on one Health, the conference will create a collaborative environment where knowledge and experience sharing is enhanced and integrated strategies can be developed to tackle health issues that span humans, animals, and the environment. The conference is expected to create/increase the awareness of urban community on the importance of maintaining urban health through integrated efforts across human, animal and environmental health sectors.

    Plenary and Keynote Speakers

    The organizing committee will invite prominent scientists to deliver plenary lectures and key note speeches. Confirmed speakers will regularly be updated on the conference website (www.OHW-2025).


    Online Registration will be opened on March 1, 2025. Please visit the conference web site (www.OHW-2025) and complete the online registration form.

    Registration Fee for International Participants
    Types Registration Fee (USD)
    Normal Full Registration 200
    Accompanying Person 50
    Student Registration* 50
    Onsite Full Registration 200
    Onsite Student registration 50
    Post-Conference excursion 30
    *Student rate applies to those registered for a higher degree. Student registrations must be accompanied by asigned letter from your head of department attesting to student status.

    Conference registration fees will cover costs of reception, coffee/tea breaks and lunch during the scientific sessions, conference materials, and conference dinner. Post-conference excursion fees will cover costs of transportation, accommodation, meals, and book of abstract.

    Please be advised that the registration fee do not include travel insurance. Please ensure that you have your own insurance policy before traveling.

    Payment Methods for International Participants

    Considering the financial setup of the host country, any payments(conference registration, excursion) can be made only by Bank Transfer before the conference dates or at the registration desk during onsite registration.

    Conference Secretariat

    All correspondence concerning registration, abstract submission, application for sponsorship and payments for conference participation and excursion should be addressed to:

    • Africa Center of Excellence for Water Management College of Natural and Computational Science, Addis Ababa University

    • 4-kilo Campus, P. O. Box 1176, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

    • Digital Library Bld. 4th Floor, R.N.

    • Email-1:

    • Email-2:

    • Email-3:;

    General Conference Program

    General Conference Program

    September 15-16, 2025

    Important Dates

    March 1, 2025  Opening of Online Registration
    May 30, 2025  Abstract Submission Deadline
    June 30, 2025  Notification of Acceptance
    July 30, 2025  Registration Deadline

    Post Conference Excursion

    The following field trips are proposed and full details will appear in the Conference website. (www.OHW-2025). Post-conference Excursions: September 17, 2025

    National Organizing Committee

    Prof. Feleke Zewge: ACEWM, AAU


    Prof. Eyasu Makonnen

    College of Health Sciences, AAU

    Scientific Committee

    Prof. Yimtubezinash Woldeamanuel

    College of Health Sciences, AAU

    Scientific Committee

    Dr. Adey Feleke

    Department of Cellular, Microbial and Molecular Biology, AAU

    Scientific Committee

    Prof. Gezahagn Mamo

    College of Veterinary Medicine and Agriculture, AAU

    Scientific Committee

    Dr. Paulos Getachew

    Center for Food Science, AAU

    Scientific Committee

    Dr. Yedilfana Setarge

    Center for Environmental Science, AAU

    Scientific Committee

    Dr. Beteley Tekola

    School of Chemical & Bio Engineering, AAU

    Logistics Committee

    Dr. Girum Ayalneh

    Center for Material Science and Engineering, AAU

    Logistics Committee

    Dr. Dessie Nedaw

    School of Earth Sciences, AAU

    Logistics Committee

    Dr. Hayal Desta

    Ethiopian Institute of Architecture

    Logistics Committee

    Dr. Andualem Mekonnen

    Center for Environmental Science, AAU

    Fund Raising Committee

    Dr. Hika Waktole

    College of Veterinary Medicine and Agriculture, AAU

    Fund raising Committee

    Dr. Wondwossen Bogale:

    School of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering, AAU

    Fund Raising Committee

    International Advisory Committee

    Dr. Fasil Ejigu

    UiT, the Arctic University of Norway

    Dr. Moez Louati

    IHE Delft, Institute for Water Education



    Expected Outcomes

    By bringing together the stakeholders of one health such as researchers, academicians, practitioners, line ministries and NGOs working on one Health, the conference will create a collaborative environment where knowledge and experience sharing is enhanced and integrated strategies can be developed to tackle health issues that span humans, animals, and the environment.

    The conference is expected to create/increase the awareness of urban community on the importance of maintaining urban health through integrated efforts across human, animal and environmental health sectors.


    TBI in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia